Sunday, September 1, 2019


We had a great trip back to the States to visit family and friends the last week of July and most of August. This past week, back in Africa, we have been getting over jet-lag, attending inservice and getting the dorm ready. We have the same girls we had last year with one addition. The girls arrived on Saturday. It was good to see them again. Less tears this year. The girls did better too!

School starts tomorrow, Labor Day. Funny how they don't celebrate American holidays in Kenya. Having the kids back on campus brings everything back to life and we are mostly ready. Along with the main role of dorm parent, Jane is working in the Main Office.The nature of RVA finds her being the only one with any prior experience. Pray that she would remember all the things she was taught back in May and June. Jeff is also teaching 7th grade math along with the 8th grade he taught last year. Basketball tryouts for Jeff's JV girls team starts tomorrow as well. Pray for wisdom and discernment as cuts will be on Wednesday,

Thanks for your prayers!

The Heart of the Matter

There’s a first time for everything - this is my (Jane) first time posting about something that is bothering me, but just felt the ...