One of the biggest growth areas we have had during this journey is how we anticipate God moving and showing us the answers to our prayers. For a long time, answer to prayer was, "Yes, you can have/get what you are asking for". As we matured we realized that nos and waits are often how we grew and were shaped. The idea that this is
Answers to Prayer - Part One is exciting! We anticipate many more times when, out of our weakness, God will be lifted up and His strength will shine through.
Almost exactly one year ago we started to pray for unity about what to do in retirement. Jeff was restless but Jane felt her daycare was not finished until she got this last gang off to school which would be another two years. Then a cool thing happened. Jeff stopped talking and started praying. Praying for unity and a common desire. Jane began to feel the prodding that circumstances might be right to look into what God had in store for us sooner than she had planned. Our kids don't live close, grandchildren are in Utah:( and our parents have passed away. Perhaps now was the time to begin to apply to a mission agency and see where God might take us. Answer!!
Last August we enrolled at a Connect Week with Africa Inland Mission. Neither of us were really too pumped to attend. It was expensive, we were inside all week. We just struggled to see the fun. Before we left for the airport, we prayed that during the course of the week we would come to recognize God's desire for our future and, even if this was not the time to change careers, make some lifelong friends that we could support in their ministry. What a great week! Our call was clarified. We grew a huge appreciation for AIM and it's structure. We met 3 families that will be serving at RVA with us that you can tell will become lifelong friends. What a huge blessing to already know some people as we work, study and plan for the years ahead. Answer!!
When we got home from Connect Week, we were revved up and ready to go. For Jane telling her families that she would be breaking what she believed was a trust, that she would be ending her care for their children at the end of this year, was extremely difficult. But it was received with lots of love and support. We started to pray that all four of her daycare children, three families, would be able to go to the same daycare. Again, God moved and, if they want to, all the kids can be at the same daycare next fall so the "buddies" can stay together! Answer!!
In late September we compiled a list of families and friends to send our support letter to. We are from large families and have been blessed with many Christian friends and we thought this was going to be pretty easy. Write a support letter, outline the need, make the uncomfortable but necessary ask for financial support, and it would come rolling in. Not even close. We looked in the mailbox daily, nothing but Lands End catalogs. A huge generous gift by text and then nothing. We kept on praying. A few months later, our financial supporters are many and varied but not at all what we predicted. God has used people to bless us in ways we could never have anticipated! Answer (not what we thought/planned but better and blessed)!!
One of the questions we get often is, "What are you going to do with your house?" We answer, "We are praying for someone that would be blessed by our house and would be a blessing to us." The house blessing someone is self explanatory, blessing us needs a few words of clarification. We were looking for someone we trusted, we would be able to be picky and say things like, 'These shades need to be moved twice a month", and we could stay with them when we are in Grand Haven during breaks from RVA. At Christmas our niece Diane mentioned to Jane to keep her in mind if we needed someone to stay in our house. She and her son, Gavin, needed to move in the summer from their current home. She and Gavin are the perfect fit. Answer!!
So, we haven't gone anywhere and God is moving virtually everywhere we focus our prayer. Looking forward to seeing what answer comes next!!
Things we are praying about now:
- The last few hundred dollars a month of support.
-Continued time of study together. We have been spending 6ish hours on Saturday about every other weekend taking care of our required classes and reading. Praying for perseverance.
-On March 21st we have a hearing to help sort our our visa issue. Praying all goes well.
-Jeff's sister, Jane, fell and broke her arm and is recovering from surgery and balance issues. Praying for pain relief and a quick recovery.