Saturday, January 6, 2018

In Case You Were Wondering

We, especially Jeff, spend time thinking about what is the bottom line? How much does this cost? High school play, Bob Seger concert, it doesn't matter, he will extrapolate the total and we will have a conversation about was this worth it? We attach value. We amatorrize, New mattress? 10 years? $84 dollars per year. That seems like a good value.

Two people well past middle age asking for $105,000 to spend two years working at a boarding school. Ouch!  Ooohh that may be a tad on the expensive side. Is this a good value? Well, we think it is a bargain. That's a full time person, most days 24/7, for under $27,000 a year. Both of us look at each other and think getting him/her for that amount to do what is being asked blows the mattress out of the water.

We know we are biased and have blind spots about our mate. Not so much so we can't look at our spouse and say you can get them for a school year for $27,000? You better jump on that deal! Seriously, the qualities we see in each other are exceptional. (How is bragging camp going?) Flaws? Yes, but the total package is solid and  worthy.

Jay two months.
As long as we are justifying things, here is one more. Rift Valley Academy, where we will be working, is a year round school with three month long breaks spread throughout the year. We hope to travel home a couple times a year to check on our kids. To be completely honest we really need to touch our grandchildren. FaceTime is great but it doesn't replace hugs. We promise no funds raised will be used for these trips. Retirement savings will take the hit to fund this extravagance.

We have no clue if anyone but us cares or thinks about stuff like this. We do though and we believe in full disclosure. There will be other things we wrestle with. You can find our thoughts here.
Ari 2 1/2

1 comment:

  1. “the qualities we see in each other are exceptional” . Not bragging reality! As I was thinking about you this morning, I envied you! Being willing to put yourself in God’s purpose and plan for you. Would I be willing to go? Would I be willing to leave the 99 for the sake of one? He heard you say “here I am send me”.. May He open doors, may He supply your needs according to His riches in glory. Every time fear, anxiety tries to take over may His overwhelming peace prevail.


The Heart of the Matter

There’s a first time for everything - this is my (Jane) first time posting about something that is bothering me, but just felt the ...