Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Journey Begins

Not sure that you can teach an old dog new tricks.  There was a day we were near the cutting edge of technology, like we knew what a 16k Apple IIe could do. Now, we are struggling with a blog which is what? A decade away from new? In fact, just learned this week you don't double space after a period. Wow! Talk about an indignant Jane!

Heard on Monday we were appointed to Rift Valley Academy, responsibilities to be determined. Jane shared the news with her daycare families and they were uber supportive.  Finished our second of 8 online courses with 100% on the test. Jane takes great notes and I cheat off the pretty girl in the next seat. Trying to do one each month, done today and it's only the 17th. Another influence by my organized wife.

Finishing up our support letter and all that includes. Struggling with our protestant guilt ethic as we ask for some pretty hefty funds. Remembering we are called and this is part of the plan. Matthew 28 helps. Our goal is to fully explain things on the blog and try to be brief in our support letter. So check out here as we unpack our calling, fears, excitement and progress heading toward July 10, 2018, when we are scheduled to leave.

The Heart of the Matter

There’s a first time for everything - this is my (Jane) first time posting about something that is bothering me, but just felt the ...